The little I see and hear makes me long for the real world, the feel of the wind, the real adventure!
Coffee at twelve, sunrise with a hug, memories of faraway lands!
New faces, different traditions and color!
A train, a cart, jolly bus rides and lovable walks!
Food and accessories! Moonlight and the beach!
Longing desires waiting to happen. Desires that would be picture perfect only when blended with the freshness of youth.
Years of toiling only to pile up the green paper and temple visits at sixty doesn’t count for the life-that-I-always-wanted-to-live!
Years of toiling only to pile up the green paper and temple visits at sixty doesn’t count for the life-that-I-always-wanted-to-live!
Grey walls and coffee mugs decay the already decaying brain. It needs oxygen. Not money. Not fame. Not any job. The least one can do is keep it alive.
The alarm, the being-late-to-work, the gossipy co-workers, the machine spat coffee, the same desktop screen, the same boss, the same monotonous work, the getting-tired part, the meeting-the-targets part, the I-wish-I-was regretting part, the money-hiding-our eyes part, the traffic jam, the left-overs and the night sleep. No one ever dreams of this. Contrarily, one knows any who does it the other way!
Life seems to be running at the fast-forward mode and in a BLIND mode. Let’s slow down, please. Let’s look around, a bit.
Care to enjoy the sunrise at the beach? Try some tender coconut, plant a new tree, visit the museum with a friend, help a stranger, buy a beggar some food, that’s even better than money, and marry someone you love. Like it’s said, little things are those that will seem matter at the end.
Love seems to be at the verge of extinction! Love for parents, for siblings, for your land, mainly love for your own self. It all seems lost. Materialistic love is mistaken for real love! Let’s love ourselves. It’s the little we can do for our own self!
Travel a lot. Enjoy the rusted iron smell of the electric trains, a chit-chat with a stranger, walk the summits and wear your cloth of comfort. Enjoy the food you eat. Chuck the diet and become friends with the nature. Green and blue! Fresh and yellow! The sun will shine health onto you. Make time for yourself. Love thy life. Celebrate life. After all, we all have been walking towards our grave since our birth. It’s a journey meant to be celebrated!
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